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Ojén Council Meeting 15 May 2024
Message from Miguel Marquéz of the PSOE Ojén:
In the plenary session held on May 15 2024, the following points were discussed:
The draw for the polling stations for the European Parliament has been carried out.
The motion to start the procedures to recover the Refugio de Juanar to create a hospitality school has been discussed. The PSOE agrees with said recovery and using it to become a hotel school, but we are missing in the file a feasibility study of said school, a list of the expenses that the Refugio de Juanar will need to convert it into a hotel school, and to know if it could legally be transferred to a third person or if the City Council would take it over directly.
The motion for the accession of the municipality of Ojén to the Provincial Metropolitan Transport Consortium of Málaga was discussed. The PSOE supports and will support any measure adopted to improve the mobility of our neighbours. We have asked what the benefits and cost of said membership are and this information has not been provided.
With respect to the point of initiating the procedures for the resolution of the contract for the works of the Los Llanos parking lot, we have stated that said file is based on a report prepared by the construction company itself and that the Council should request other reports from the management of works, from a private company or even from the municipal architect and not be based on a single report. This termination will mean that the City Council will have to pay a series of compensations, both to the construction company and to the company that handled the construction management and to the company that managed the safety and health of the work.
We have asked about the works on the playground and dog park next to the children's classrooms, since we know that on January 31 it was awarded to a company. They have told us that everything will be resolved shortly and work will begin.
We have asked about a Council ruling, in which an error has been detected and they are going to solve it.
We have also asked about the situation of the Town Hall garage where the fire occurred, since it has been closed since September due to the fire. They tell us that they will soon put it out to tender.